Hall, K., & Simpson, A. (2018). ERIC manual version II: helping young people regulate their emotions and control impulsive behaviours. Deakin University.
Hall, K., Simpson, A., & Sloan, E. (2017). Next generation youth AOD project: ERIC pilot study evaluation report. Deakin University.
Simpson, A. & Hall, K. (2018). ERIC: An emotion regulation and impulse control intervention in Goulburn Valley. Deakin University.
Simpson, A. & Hall, K. (2018). Queensland youth justice pilot evaluation of ERIC: An intervention helping young people regulate their emotions and control impulsive behaviours. Deakin University.
Journal Articles
Hall, K., Youssef, G., Simpson, A., Sloan, E., Graeme, L., Perry, N., Moulding, R., Baker, A. L., Beck, A. K., & Staiger, P. K. (2021). An emotion regulation and impulse control (ERIC) intervention for vulnerable young people: A multi-sectoral pilot study. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1-13.
Sloan, E., Hall, K., Moulding, R., Bryce, S. Mildred, H., & Staiger, K. (2017). Emotion regulation as a transdiagnostic construct across anxiety, depression, substance, eating and borderline personality disorders. A systematic review. Clinical Psychology Review, 57, 141-163.
Sloan, E., Hall, K., Simpson, A., Youssef, G. J., Moulding, R., Mildred, H., & Staiger, P. K. (2018). An emotion regulation treatment for young people with complex substance use and mental health issues: A case-series analysis. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 25, 427-441.
Borg, D., Hall, K., Youssef, G. J., Sloan, E., Graeme, L., & Moulding, R. (2022, 01/01/). Examining the role of brooding, distress, and negative urgency in dysregulated behaviors: A cross-sectional study in treatment-seeking young people [Article]. Journal of Clinical Psychology.
Mattingley, S., Youssef, G. J., Manning, V., Graeme, L., & Hall, K. (2022, 03/01/March 2022). Distress tolerance across substance use, eating, and borderline personality disorders: A meta-analysis [Review Article]. Journal of Affective Disorders, 300, 492-504.
Sloan, E., Hall, K., Youssef, G. J., Moulding, R., Mildred, H., & Staiger, P. K. (2019, 08//). Profiles of Emotion Regulation in Young People Accessing Youth Mental Health and Drug Treatment [Article]. Cognitive Therapy & Research, 43(4), 769-780.
Sloan, E., O’Donnell, R., Bianchi, V., Simpson, A., Cox, R., & Hall, K. (2018, 07/01/). Distress, emotional clarity, and disordered eating in young people with complex emotional and behavioural difficulties [Article]. Clinical Psychologist, 22(2), 148-157-157.